
優惠利率. 獎勵. 安全.
國寶現推出 小商業現金獎勵信用卡
- 無年費1
- 初始年利率: 0% 。6個月內信用卡消費及卡債轉移初始年利率為0%. 之後恢復為當前利率
- 根據信用能力,卡消費及卡債轉移利率為: 16.24% - 26.24% 可變年利率
- 反現金額為淨消費額的1%
- 反現金額永不過期
點擊 這裏 開始申請信用卡。
申請商業信用卡,無論您的企業大小。請諮詢我們的銀行專員關於Visa® Platinum 信用卡。
Visa® Platinum 商業信用卡是由TCM Bank, N.A發行與審批。
- 快速簡易的申請程序
- 積分– 每花一美元將積一分
- 欺詐保護24/7
- 世界各地數以百萬計的地點接受Visa® Platinum 信用卡
如需申請 Visa® Platinum Business Credit Card,請聯絡您當地的分行。
*See the card application’s Important Disclosures for current terms, rates and fees.
**See the card application’s Terms and Conditions for current terms, rates and fees.
1 Coverage applies when the entire cost of the fare (less redeemable certificates, vouchers, or coupons) has been charged to the card. Your account must be in good standing. Restrictions to coverage may apply.
2 To access rewards, your account must be open and in good standing. This card is issued by TCM Bank, N.A. Subject to credit approval