
商業支票賬戶1 | |||||
商業基本支票賬戶 | 商業高級支票賬戶 |
商業尊榮支票賬戶 |
屋主支票賬戶 | ||
Core Service Low Cost. For Business with Basic Needs |
High Quality Services. Great Value. For Business with Advanced Needs. |
Premier Service. Premier Value. Reserved for Our Best Relationship. |
Premier Service. Premier Value. Landlord Customers. Reserved for Our Best Relationship. |
月維護費 | $10 有網上銀行 $7 |
$20 | $50 | $20 | |
免月維護費方式 |
日平均額不低於 $1,000 | 日平均額不低於 $10,000 | 與相關聯的商業貨幣市場賬戶總日平均額不低於 $50,000 | 日平均額不低於 $10,000, 且現有國寶商業房地產貸款。 | |
最低開戶額2 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | |
支票付賬 (每賬單週期) |
前25次免費,之後每次$0.20 | 前200次免費,之後每次$0.20 | 無限制 | 無限制 | |
賬戶特點 以及 優點 |
- | • 收益信用 | • 收益信用 | • 收益信用 | |
- | • 網上匯款 (需銀行批准) | • 網上匯款 (需銀行批准) | • 網上匯款 (需銀行批准) | ||
- | • 免費10次網上停止支付 (不包括付賬功能) | • 免費10次網上停止支付 (不包括付賬功能) | • 免費10次網上停止支付 (不包括付賬功能) | ||
- | • 薪資賬戶 | • 薪資賬戶 | • 薪資賬戶 | ||
- | - | • 免費銀行本票 | • 免費銀行本票 | ||
- | - | • 最高 $1,000 貸款過戶信用額用在國寶新貸款申請。 | • 最高 $1,000 貸款過戶信用額用在國寶新貸款申請。 | ||
- | - | • 免費保管箱 (尺寸:2x5 or 3x5)4 | • 免費保管箱 (尺寸:2x5 or 3x5)4 | ||
• 24/7 網上銀行和手機銀行 (包括付賬功能和電子月結單)5 | |||||
• 芯片借記卡6 | |||||
• 國寶銀行和MoneyPass網路下ATM機取款無手續費; 用國寶借記卡在其他銀行ATM機操作,國寶不收取任何費用7 |
點鈔費用 (每賬單週期) | ||||||||
商業基本支票賬戶 | 商業高級支票賬戶 | 商業尊榮支票賬戶 | 屋主支票賬戶 | |||||
每月現金存款總額 | 費用 | 每月現金存款總額 | 費用 | 每月現金存款總額 | 費用 | 每月現金存款總額 | 費用 | |
I | 低於 $5,000 |
不收費 |
低於 $20,000 | 不收費 | 低於 $100,000 | 不收費 | 低於 $100,000 | 不收費 |
II | $5,000 - $50,000 | 每$1, 收取$0.001 | $20,000 - $100,000 | 每$1, 收取$0.0008 | $100,000 - $1,000,000 | 每$1, 收取$0.0004 | $100,000 - $1,000,000 | 每$1, 收取$0.0004 |
III | 高於 $50,000 | 不允許 | 高於 $100,000 | 不允許 | 高於 $1,000,000 | 運鈔車 | 高於 $1,000,000 | 運鈔車 |
收益信用(Earnings Credit)
收益信用由商業高級支票賬戶、商業尊榮支票賬戶和屋主支票賬戶中的合格餘額產生。收益信用將用於抵銷或減少銀行服務費用和收費,每月維護費用除外。收益信用是通過將當時的收益信用率應用於符合條件的賬戶的當月平均餘額來計算的。收益信用率將由 國寶銀行自行決定,並可隨時調整和更改,恕不另行通知。月平均餘額是該月的平均每日餘額減去該月的平均浮動。收益信用率將適用於每月平均餘額的 100%。同一賬戶持有人(並鏈接在一起)擁有的收益信用將累積,並用於此賬戶的費用總額,而任何剩餘費用則從商業高級支票賬戶、商業尊榮支票賬戶和屋主支票賬戶中收取。收益信用不可累積,也不能用於除減少或抵銷該月的指定費用外的其他項目。
1 Please refer to Business Banking Deposit Account Standard Fees and Charges Schedule for Cash counting fees.
2 The monthly maintenance service fee is waived for the first two statement cycles to allow you to meet your account requirements. After the first two statement cycles, the monthly maintenance service fee is waived if the requirements are met.
3 This promotion cannot be combined with any other Abacus closing credit promotions.
4 Free Small Safe Deposit Box is based upon availability, and limited to one (1) per customer only. This offer can be changed any time.
5 Your mobile carrier's message and data rates may apply.
6 We may charge an International service fee equal to 1% of the amount of the transaction when you use your debit card for any international transaction. An international transaction arises when you purchase goods from a vendor that is located outside of the U.S. or if you use an ATM that is located outside of the U.S. This includes transactions done on the internet when the vendor is located outside of the U.S. This fee applies regardless of whether the transaction is paid for in U.S. currency. The exchange rate into U.S. currency will be the MasterCard rate in effect on the date of the transaction.
7 Abacus Bank does not charge fee when you use your Debit Card on another ATM that is owned by another Institution. However, you may also be charged a surcharge fee by the Institution that owns the terminal or network including balance inquiries.