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Abacus Bank will NEVER request through email, text, or unsolicited phone call your bank card number, account number, Social Security number, Personal Identification number (PIN) or password.
Premier Relationship
Experience the Best
With the Abacus Premier Checking relationship, you will receive the level of service you deserve. Our Premier Checking Account is designed to help you maximize your opportunities and empower you to reach your goals.
Capital, Innovation, Efficiency…
…The Bedrocks of a Successful Business
- Let us work your money for you. With Earnings Credit1, every dollar on deposit in your Premier Checking Account will earn you dollar credits to apply to monthly service fees2.
- Earn interest on excess cash flow. Capitalize excess balances with the Abacus High Yield Business Money Market Account. Automatic sweeps between your checking account and your Money Market Account.
- Innovate business process. Utilize our online banking and payroll solutions to achieve greater efficiency.
- Maximize revenues. Expand your customer base and streamline your payment processes with our merchant services solutions.
For more information, please Click Here or visit our local branches.
1 Earnings Credit is generated by the eligible balance in a Premier Checking Account. Earnings Credit will be used to reduce or eliminate banking service fees and charges, other than Monthly Maintenance Fees, on such Premier Checking Account. The Earnings Credit is calculated each month by applying the then current Earnings Credit rate on the Average Collected Balance for that month on the Premier Checking Account. The Earnings Credit rate will be set from time to time by Abacus, at its sole discretion, and may be changed at any time without notice. The monthly Average Collected Balance is the Average Daily Balance for that month minus the average floats or holds for such month. The Earnings Credit rate will be applied to 100% of the applicable Premier Checking Account’s monthly Average Collected Balance. Earnings Credit on Premier Checking Accounts owned by the same accountholder (and which are linked together) will be totaled together and applied against the total of the fees on such Accounts, with any remaining fees charged against the primary Premier Checking Account. Earnings Credit cannot be carried over from month-to-month and cannot be used for any purpose other than the reduction or elimination of the designated charges for that month.
2 Cannot be used to offset Maintenance Service Charge.